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Finding Your Stillpoint During Times of Uncertainty

2020 has been a whirlwind, to say the least and if you’re feeling the effects of what is happening in the world (mentally, physically or both) you’re not alone. According to a study conducted in March, 48% of Americans reported feeling anxious about the possibility of getting coronavirus, 36% reported that coronavirus fears have had a serious impact on mental health and 59% reported coronavirus has had a serious impact on their day-to-day lives (American Psychiatric Association, 2020). 

In normal circumstances, uncertainty and the fear of the unknown can affect all of us-but add a pandemic, riots and social injustice to the mix and our feelings of fear or anxiety might be heightened. So how do we deal with this fear of uncertainty and stay positive?

  • Start Your Day Right: If you’re working from home, try taking some time each morning for yourself. Whatever that looks like for you, self care is so important during times of uncertainty and right now is no exception. Start the day by meditating, getting a workout in, listening to a podcast, journaling, eating a healthy breakfast or listening to your favorite music.
  • Take Social Media Breaks: If reading the news heightens your fear or anxiety, take scheduled digital detoxes. Instead of scrolling mindlessly through never-ending bad news go for a walk outside, do some yoga or read a book. Set up news alerts on your phone or computer so you stay up to date on need-to-know information.
  • Connect With Friends and Loved Ones: If you’ve been self isolating or quarantining alone, you might begin to feel lonely and stir crazy. Try to take some time daily to check in with friends and family. Have a zoom happy hour with or a lunchtime chit-chat with your mom or dad or host a virtual game night. Check out this post for some Zoom game night ideas. 
  • Do Something You Love: Do you have something you enjoy doing but don’t usually have time to? If you find yourself with extra time on your hands, get back to doing a hobby you used to love or try to pick up a new hobby! 


If you’ve been struggling with fear or anxiety during this time, request an appointment with one of our therapists today! 




American Psychiatric Association, 2020. New Poll: COVID-19 Impacting Mental Well-Being: Americans Feeling Anxious, Especially for Loved Ones; Older Adults are Less Anxious. Retrieved from

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